Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 038

I'm a procrastinator, which means my homework never gets done. But this year, I've decided to actually do my homework, and study for tests.
It might make me a nerd, but I don't care. At least I'll make the honor roll again.
Much Love & God Bless,
- The Girl In Her Own World
ps. I made the honor roll for last semester, and I didn't even try. I'm so proud of myself!


  1. when you are young it feels lame to be nerdy, but when you are older you will be happy that you did the nerdy things. consider it an investment in yourself.

    it takes courage to be a nerd.
    it takes no courage at all to follow the herd.
    :c )

  2. That pretty much just made my entire week, thank you!
